To 'Conserve' There are no graphics with today's post.
Whom Is Kidding Whom About Whose Energy Awareness?
I regret I shall be deceased and/or in cryogenic suspension when cultural anthropologists locate the ‘buzz’ about the initiative known as Earth Hour. [1] [2] Multiple commentaries will, without doubt, be written with blueberry juice ink upon hunks of salvaged drywall in attempt to describe early activity of the 2100s to pay homage to energy conservation.
Yesterday YVR is reported to have reduced energy consumping by one percent. One percent of what has not been e-numeral-ated for us couch potatoe pies. One percent for one hour is like so lame a three-legged camel could run faster through the labyrinth at Hampton Court. [3]
I do not wish to demean global do-goodness but this annual fromage-du-energy-reduction is starting to smell, er, like something that is not too good and, well, smellyish. Why not get brave and go Earth 2.07 hours?
I realize I was born so last century in pre-Avatar times. However, even when I was growing up parents coached on the wastefulness of lights left blazing like the deepest reaches of Hell. My parents could be quite descriptive. Thermostats were turned down so low at night (once we got one) that it was warmer to sleep outside in snow banks.
Now it is the next century the rantation of energy conservation approachette a zone beyond absurdity. The gentle tones of energy conservation battle with the blare to promote the newest gimmicks (wireless or not) to use greater amounts of energy. Front-and-center the hoo-hah-hah for 3-D televisions at-home with $200.00 to $400.00 (Canadian dollars) for specialty eyewear or the newest iPad or the whatever.
It is not enuff to have one television or computer in a home but necessary to individualize ownership. How can anyone simultaneously maintain consumerismo and reduce energy consumption? This type of irrationality makes me want to turn on all appliances and bake for 24 hours. ‘scusa…just have to find the remote for the bread maker.
No that’s the one for the pencil sharpener.
Oh, here’s the one for the pre-cable television.
Well, gee, ‘how ‘bout that . . . the hair blower thingey has it’s own remote.
Wow! Who knew the radio/CD combo mini-stereo even had a remote. Well, gee, I dunno.
‘scusa must run to Wally Mart for a truckload of batteries. Batteries are good because you do not have to plug them into a wall socket and consumer electricity. When done with batteries, just toss into Mother Earth Salad for future anthropological excavations.
© Sharilyn Calliou 29 March 2010 All Rights Reserved Perpetually
From Blue Dog Studio
Graphic From Microsoft Clipart Downloads
[1] Earth Hour is a sixty minute fest of globally connected consciousness when persons and even corporations turn off lights and such to save gigjoules. After the hour, every thing goes back to normal levels of abnormal consumption. Info? Please click, 60Minutes.
[2] For cryogenic suspensation I am requesting to be laid out like Ophelia amidst a stream of running blueberry coloured H2O. I haven’t quite selected the hat but it will have a veil – probably with a pattern of chemical formulae for cryogenic type substances thingeys. I want to be wearing red heels and stockings with the line up the back. I got near-to-giddy today as I sketched ideas for my cryo-wardrobe. Not sure about gloves as am leaning towards must-have consumer purchase of 2010 Olympic Red Mittens for Special Collections. This is a case where I must toss anti-materialism aside and buy.
[3] There are 8760 hours in a year so one hour is like .01141552511415525 of human consciousness in a year. It is a global activity that probably consumes more hours and gigglewatts of energy to promote and to stage than to just leave it alone. I do not wish to sound sullen or peevish but confess to chuckling bemusement.