The Therapy of Chopping, Hacking, Peeling, Slicing and Dicing
It was a
deafdark andstrumpetstormy morning in YVR. I glanced at my worn bomber jacket and realized it would not bea goodan optimum day for flying chandelles or lazy eights. [1] Too much turmoil of turbulence in the sky. Thus, the Red Baroness shall flaunt flauntingly for another day. The morning drowsed. However, at 06:16 I determined I could not remain a lazy beast. Also the harshness of rain in gutter was sounding a bit worrisome.The A.M. rain was adequate enough I made time to line up all stuffed toys two-by-two in duets of twosomes.
After that chortling chore, I realised I would be in-bound rainbound housebound. What to do? Well, I have yet to score 30,000 points at Word Mojo and, each hobby, passion or activity I glanced upon looked so boring I almost needed oxygen due to the size of yawns my jowls and jaws would permit.
For some reason the idea of pulling the crock pot off of the lower shelf of the hand-carved marble kitchen cabinet, inlaid with semi-precious jade and rubies, seemed a
goodwhizbang idea. This, of course, required cleansening dishes acquired last century, which meant adding a row of knitting to a Christmas-present-in-process. The knitting meant I recalled when I was owned by a cat (whom I still miss) and the uprising cost of the commodity of shorn sheep bits for knitting projects which seem almost always never quite finished.‘scusa, the landline is ringing.
Ah-hem. My train of thought is unravelling.
Thus, stew. I used beef, a cheap cheapest cut that should soften after hours of pot simmering. I hesitated to use item recommended by Mr. Jonathon Swift. [2] [3] I confess, unabashedly, that I find cooking to be a soothing activity. There is a
rhythymicrhombicrhythmic meditation in the motions of peeling, slicing, dicing, chopping and thwacking. The motions remind of Tai Chi sessions I attended once upon a time when my limbs were more bendable and flexible. Now, at times, my body acts like a Barbie before her body had in-built flexibility. Ah, Barbie what we made you do. ‘scusa.Just stirring the pot.
Stew concocting can be quite pleasurable, the activity sets a mind to wandering about this-and/or-that in a lulling kind of fashion as life is reviewed in a review of events and moments. For examples: When did I make a first stew? (Well, gee I dunno). Who taught me to make stew? (Well, gee I dunno). Should I have used up the lamb shank? (Well, maybe). When did the polo ponies get an ipaddock?
© September, 2010. S. Calliou. 20 September, 2010-09-20
From Blue Dog Studio
Graphic From Microsoft Clipart Downloads
[1] To manage a chandelle, I would recommend using the NASA site re. flight manoeuvres. To practice, please click IWouldSoDoDat. To those with stronger stomachs, there is the Three Turn Spin. To give it a go, please click, TurnToScale.
[2] Mr. Swift, a satirical writer (now deceased), reports of serious assurance by a ‘very knowing American’ that a ‘young’ and ‘healthy child’, who has is about one year aged, can be a ‘wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked or boiled.’ School is back in session in YVR and thus stray children are more difficult to acquire as the neighbourhood playground is denuded of kidlets. Instead, biochild-units are fully supervised by teacher-units, also known as bots, who use laser sharp eyes and chalkboard erasers to efficiently provide tax-funded classroom management. There are problems with the fricassee-ing of kidlets. They can be noisesome as lowered into the flames: Best to wear ear muffs. I do digress.
[3] I decided against purloo as was out of rice. This southern U.S. chicken recipe can scrumptious.