Life Is Just a Bowl of Jelly Beans or Fried Scampi or Even Possibly a Selection of Petite Fours or Maybe a Loaded Pizza With Everything, Including Broccoli Florets and Extra Calcium
For now it is Windows Live Spaces for loyalty is one of my most stubborn character traits. I seek Erehwon, wearing une cloche with veil, patterned with html code.
I miss blogging and leaping off to cyberstroll from wordzoo. Wordzoo was my all-in-one-service, which commenced, with great trepidation at October of 2008 at Windows Live Spaces. There was a diversity of visitors enabling my arthritic body globe trot from Beijing to Margate, from Rio to Chicago, from Saskatoon to Galveston, from Vienna to somewhere in Canada’s Arctic (Hi Arctic Fox). However, changes to Windows Live Spaces
provoked induced hyperstimulatedproduced a scattering of guests. Individuals relocated everywhere and, as some have commented (via email, comment box), the cybermigrations make it difficult to track and follow persons.
Perhaps, I might follow via RSS feeds at Google Reader? Perhaps, I might learn how to use RSS feeds? However, I avoid to avoid info overload. I know myself too well. Soon I would be buried in ever-expanding breasts of abundant information. True. I could keep abreast of activity reading at a single page of my design. Efficient? Yes. But the fun, for me, is the random roaming through cyberspace by leaping from a commenter and then onto his/her blog. I had developed a trust factor with online network at Windows Live Spaces that extended networks were safe playgrounds.
A few WLS-pacers (via email or comments) speculated if we might stay until ‘we’ could work it all out/through/whatever. It is doubtful, for me, that ‘we’ could work it out together. I am not a shareholder in Microsoft and, as yet, no one has hotmailed me to assist with refurbishment, restoration, dismantlement, refinement of Windows Live Spaces. Doubtful Spaces as a blogging ‘service’ is on anyone’s radar, especially as Statistics, Guestbook and report of slow, slower, slowest Spaces services reported. There are other glitches. Today my profile read in Spanish? Or, perhaps, Portugese? Oh those witty scallywag programmers.
I speculate a majority of ‘we’ got fed up, saw the writing on the cyberwall or determined to utilize services elsewhere for whatever reasons.
It’s difficult for me to make a choice of relocation. I have not yet located a similar community and combo which enables graphic trading and a multicultural feel. Somehow Happy Flower found a similarly quirky yet serious community.
Windows Live Spaces had a truly unique product but, as I stated elsewhere, it must not have been a money-
rakermaker. Yet, I wonder this rainy afternoon as I busy myself with overdue housework, with the volume of move I have witnessed how are advertisers dooling over revenue? And how many can read my Spanish (er, Guyanese?) profile?
The difficulty is also one of selection in that about one-half equally went to Blooger or Minespace. Set up two blogs? Time and health constraints make maintenance of a space a labour, albeit enjoyable but still physically challenging. It becomes a question of which neighbourhood or just making the leap and zooming right into this century and going Facebook?
These are all rhetorical questions buzzing my cranium as I clean house before 1 July celebrations. I regret the loss of all-in-one-access and demise of WLS. [1] It was a superb service for family-style blogging.
Will wordzoo be moving soon? Soonish? Yes. In due time but I must honour first commitment. I am always grateful to Mr. J. Bord who once left comment re. the writing of my novel, ‘How much time are you spending blogging?’ This was a wake-up call to, occasionally, eschew short-term fun and remember long(er) term goals. For now, I must complete final draft of Susannah: The Novel, gently caretaking fingers/wrists and quantity of keyboarding. The priority is not to forget my writerly intentions..
However even writers have to vacuum, scrub floors and, ggrrhh remove the grawt from bathroom tiles. ‘scusa, just going to practice some folding with a floor rag. [2]
© Sharilyn Calliou. 1 July, 2010. All Rights Reserved. Revised 1 August, 2010.
From Blue Dog Studio
Graphic From Microsoft Office Clipart/Images Downloads
1. Housework becomes much more thrilling with Canada Day musical backdrop at CBC Radio 2, playing a 24-hour Canadian Music Shakedown: a day of 100% Canadian content, including French and classical music composers, voices and bands not too often heard mainstream.
2. I can hardly refold a napkin after a state backyard inner. For hyperOrgami enthusiasm, please click foldmegently.